Ultrasound Cavitation – Fat melting

O.U.I. Ultrasound Inverted Osmosis, The most advanced system for the treatment of localized adipose. This is an electro-medical device that combines bio-physics effect of cavitation & OUI that provides a non-invasive technology for the treatment of localized adipose. It decreases fats & cellulite which normally resistant to diets & sports, & it works with ultrasonic waves that cause ruptures to the cell membranes of fat cells – as a result, localized adipose tissues are broken & centimeters are lost. 

Ultrasonic aims help you to reshape your body and help you get your confidence back. Ultrasonic treatments are a non-invasive treatment, which our customers have found to deliver results they are thrilled with.

If you have a stubborn area of fat, maybe on your thighs or stomach, then Ultrasonic may be the answer for you.

This treatment isn’t just for the girls. Popular male sessions are commonly described as treatments for love handles or man boobs. Some of our male clients were considering having a Gynecomastia operation for male chest fat reduction, however they were satisfied with the results from Ultrasonic that they didn’t need to go down that costly and invasive path.

For women who would like to change their shape and get body confidence again, this may be the treatment for you. The treatment will usually show an immediate change. You may need from 5 to 8 sessions in total, to get the desired results. We like to remind our customers that this is not a alternative to eating a healthy diet and exercising. 

What is Ultrasound Cavitation?

Ultrasound Cavitation is a relatively new technique used for fat reduction.  It is very smart way to reduce fat because it is converted into liquid and then is naturally eliminated with urine.  When cavitation is followed by a lymphatic drainage the process is faster, as the drainage is very effective at eliminating liquids.  Generally one fat cavitation treatment lasts 30 minutes where a single part of the body is treated. 5-7 days must pass between each session so that the body can eliminate fat. The minimum suggested number of fat cavitation sessions is between 6 and 10 for best fat reduction.

How does Ultrasound Cavitation work?

A fully trained therapist will apply a specially handpiece to your skin.  The hand piece will then transmit low level ultrasonic waves which consist of a compression – expansion method and travel in high-speed cycles.  This back and forth cycle then causes an infinite quantity of micro-cavities or micro-bubbles that gradually enlarge.  This progressive enlargement finishes as micro-bubbles turn to collision and implosion, producing emission of shock waves that favour emulsification and elimination of fat tissues (this phenomena is called “cavitation”). The liquid is then easily vacuumed out from the body using the lymphatic and urinary system, resulting in fat reduction.

What can be treated with an Ultrasound Cavitation system?

Borna’s trained therapists offer cost effective and professional treatments including:

  • Cellulite and fat reduction
  • Skin tightening and fat melting (where bipolar radio-frequency is combined)

Who is suitable for Ultrasound?

  • Most people are safe to have the treatment
  • Your trained therapist should be able to determine your suitability
  • Consult your Dr if you are not sure
  • People with cardiac and vascular diseases, pacemaker carriers and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid undergoing the procedure.

Is ultrasound cavitation painful method of fat reduction?

No, cavitation is a painless treatment.  Mild redness may appear occasionally but will be highly unlikely to cause any actual pain. The heat from the hand pieces felt during the treatment is perfectly tolerable.

Is ultrasound cavitation a safe treatment?

Yes, it is a nonsurgical procedure without anesthesia, it is non-invasive (no cutting, leaves no scars or need post-operative course) and no downtime should be experienced after the fat reduction treatment.

Which are the areas where treatment is more effective?

All those areas with localized fat:  thighs, abdomen and buttocks are the most appropriate but there is no real limitation as to areas of the body.

Can you lose weight with ultrasonic cavitation?

Cavitation is not a method to lose weight but to reshape the body.  It is particularly indicated for the reduction of adiposity, the famous “love handles” that won’t go away with diet and exercise.

Are the results of ultrasonic cavitation similar to those of liposuction?

Yes, because it removes cellulite preventing this from recurring in the treated areas, without damaging the vascular system.

The fat is a solid substance, how can it be eliminated through the urine?

Because ultrasound cavitation causes an emulsification of fat, converting it into a substance easy to eliminate through the urine and the lymphatic system.

How much time should elapse between one session of ultrasound cavitation and the other?

The body eliminates the fat of a session in approximately 3 – 5 days, so we recommend an interval of around one week between each session.

Number of treatments and treatment frequency for each application:

  • Ultrasound Cavitation:  6 – 10 treatments spaced one week apart
  • Skin Tightening:  6 – 10 treatments spaced one week apart

Must you follow any guidelines before or after undergoing ultrasound cavitation?

We recommend a low calorie diet and drink at least 1.5 litres of water before and after the session.  Drinking water is a necessary part in order to eliminate the fat.  Regular exercise such as walking or other aerobic activities should also be maintained in order to help the system to naturally process the fat through its own natural filtration system.

How much time should elapse between one session of ultrasound cavitation and the other?

The body eliminates the fat of a session in approximately 3 – 5 days, so we recommend an interval of around one week between each session.

Number of treatments and treatment frequency for each application:

  • Ultrasound Cavitation:  6 – 10 treatments spaced one week apart
  • Skin Tightening:  6 – 10 treatments spaced one week apart