Fractional Erbium YAG Laser

The Erbium YAG Laser has been introduced as the next level in laser resurfacing and offers the benefits of painless treatment and recovery along with significantly faster healing times than any other resurfacing laser. Borna medical laser center uses the FDA clears the Quanta’s Twain 2940, a very powerful Erbium fractional  laser to remove and decrease the acne scars, surgical scars, stretch marks, file line and wrinkles and improve the overall color and skin texture of the face, neck, and hands, declotage and body.

Although treatment results vary, with few sessions you can expect an improvement in the texture and quality of your skin.

Candidates for Treatment

  • Skin resurfacing
  • Treatment of wrinkles
  •  Epidermal Nevi
  •  Keloids
  •  Skin tags
  • Keratoses
  •  Scar revision (including acne scars and surgical scar)
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Color irregularities
  • Sun damage
  • stretch marks
  • Sun and age spots

About the Procedure

The Erbium YAG Laser light is absorbed by the water in your skin and causes the instantaneous vaporization of the cell. After the damaged skin is removed, new skin quickly re-grows in its place. During the consultation We will explain the procedure and the process for preparing your skin.

Patients treated with an Erbium YAG Laser feel almost no pain during treatment and usually require only a topical/local anesthesia . After the procedure, patient will feel burning sensation for 10 minutes, which we cool the skin extensively at that time. Patients enjoy the tremendous benefits of healing within only a matter of few days. Typically, the procedure is repeated 4 to 8 times, every 6 weeks . Usually several procedures may be needed to achieve the desired result.

Aftercare and Recovery

The downtime is usually 5-7 days. At first, the skin will appear red. For the first 24 hours You need to stay home , apply Mebo onintment every 4 hours and stay away from direct sun light and heat.

From the 2nd day, the skin will start to have scabbing which get dryer and darker every day until the 5th or 7th day, and then they fall off.

Of course, everyone will heal differently depending on the depth of treatment, the treated areas treated, and their own healing rate. Noticeable results are typically seen in 45 few days, as the collaged remodeling happen. makeup can be applied after 3-4 days.