Permanent Laser Hair Removal

The better solution for removing unwanted hair. It may surprise to learn that virtually, your entire body is covered in hair! But, because most of the hair is fine and pale, it isn’t generally visible to the naked eye. In the past, the solutions for unwanted hair would include plucking, shaving, waxing, electrolysis or chemical depilatories which are usually painful and uncomfortable to endure and moreover, only temporary. 
Borna, with over 19 years of experience in the field of laser treatments, is a clinic that has gathered the best and latest of laser machines imported from USA based laser companies that include Cynosure, Candella and Lumenis and a team of highly trained laser therapists for the optimal results. At Borna, you will find the most advanced and up to date FDA Approved laser machinery that feature different wavelengths for all types of skin and different depth penetration for deeply embedded hair follicles. Before starting any series of laser hair removal treatments are some basic facts that you should know. Below are the top 10 things you need to know before beginning your laser treatments so that you are prepared and rewarded with silky-smooth, hair free results!

How it works.

As magical as it seems, the reality is that laser hair removal is pure science. Here’s a simple version of how it works: For lighter skin types, a cosmetic medical-grade laser transmits a concentrated beam of light directly into the pigment of your hair follicles.
For darker skin types, the laser is attracted to the blood supply of hair follicles. The laser then destroys the hair growth with both modalities. Laser hair removal is considered a cosmetic procedure, hence the strict regulations. 
Tip: always ask if the equipment at the clinic is DHA approved before starting any treatment!

Avoiding the sun. 

Skin that has been exposed to the sun within two weeks of the treatment cannot undergo laser hair removal as it will sizzle any pigment on your skin. This means that if you are sunburnt, or tanned, you may need to reschedule for a later appointment. If you’re a beach lover and enjoy sun exposure, you could choose to start your treatments during the winter months to avoid any inconvenience. 
Thirdly, what about fake tans?
Sorry, but the same rules that apply for natural tans are applied for fake tans! It simply doesn’t work. 

Shave, don’t wax!

In order for the laser to identify it, the roof of the hair must be present in the follicle. Therefore, avoid any kind of waxing, epilating, depilatory creams or other forms of hair removal that may disturb the hair follicle. A clean shave with a sharp razor is a must, otherwise we risk having the laser target the longer hairs that sit above the skin which could result in burns. 

Skip the moisturizer

When it comes to your treatment day, be sure that your body is all natural without any type of product residue. Your skin should be product free, no moisturizers and no deodorant. This also goes for 24 hours after your treatment. 

Be honest during consultation

As laser hair removal is considered a cosmetic procedure, be sure to know that you are in safe hands, especially our hands. Our highly trained, qualified and experienced laser technicians only use medical-grade equipment; you will receive a complimentary consultation to asses your skin and hair type during your first treatment with us. During this time, you will have to disclose any previous treatments you underwent or medications that you are currently taking, or have been taking prior to the treatment. For example, a recent facial or Roaccutane (for face acne) will have a significant impact on the suitability of laser hair removal for you. 

Be real!

Patients should have realistic expectations of the time it will take for the hair to be permanently removed. It’s takes more than just a few sessions for the phenomenal results of being hair-free and care-free. Once you have completed your treatment plan, you will notice 90% difference in hair reduction! It is still important to keep in mind that no laser clinic can guarantee or claim a 100% hair removal because, naturally, some hairs will strive to grow back. Re-growth is also affected by hormones and other biological factors that vary from person to person. Our consultation with you will help determine the long-term results you can expect. 

Be consistent.

Our specialists will book the appropriate dates for you to continue with your treatments which are usually 4 to 6 weeks between each session. To ensure the best results, you must attend your appointments because the timing between sessions dramatically influence the outcome due to hair growth patterns. Therefore, we suggest you book a course of laser hair removal treatments rather than facing inconsistency in your appointments. 

Use the recommended products

Sometimes, treated areas may appear ‘sunburnt’; active skin care products such as Mebo, Fusicort or Aloevera Recovery Cream, or a cold compress will ease any discomfort and swelling. In the unlikely event of blistering, avoid makeup and exposure to the sun using UV protective care to prevent any discoloration. The skin will be sensitive for approximately 2 weeks after treatment. 

Avoid exercising and hot showers.

Exercising and steamy showers both increase the body’s temperature which causes sweat and act as a potential breeding ground for bacteria to form. This can further lead to infections or ingrown hairs. We recommend waiting at least 24 hours after your treatment before attempting any activities that heat up your body temperature.
Now that you have a basic understanding of how laser works and what to do before/after a treatment, book your appointment today and enjoy a complimentary consultation from BORNA LASER CLINICS!