Dark circles under the lower eyelids are common in men and women. Often accompanied by bags, dark circles can make you appear older than you are. To make matters worse, they can be difficult to get rid of.

Dark circles around the eyes is a common problem. What causes these dark circles and what can we do to improve them?

There are 3 categories or types of dark under eye circles:

  1. Discoloration from darkening of the pigmentation
  2. Discoloration from prominent vasculature
  3. Discoloration from structural changes in the periorbital area

As one ages, the appearance of dark circles may increase for a number of reasons. With age collagen production slows and the already thin skin of the the periorbital area thins further. The periorbital fat moves, diminishes or prolapses, thereby exposing the underlying vessels. This vasculature can cause this periorbital discoloration. With every year that passes, the bony structures of the face change and move.


PRP treatment
Dermal Filler